Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Dental Health Resources

5 Reasons to Consider Dental Veneers

5 Reasons to Consider Dental Veneers

Curious about how dental restorations can help improve the appearance and function of your existing teeth? Dental veneers may be the right choice for you. Our Sydney River dentists list five reasons you may want to consider this option.

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Braces & Other Orthodontic Treatment Options for Adults

Braces & Other Orthodontic Treatment Options for Adults

Recently, advances in orthodontic technology and treatments have motivated more adults to see dental professionals for their orthodontic issues. Today, our Sydney River orthodontists explain the ins and outs of adult braces and other treatment options.

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What happens when you get your teeth whitened?

Curious about how teeth whitening works? Discover the process behind brightening your smile as our dentists at Sydney River explain it. You've probably noticed movie stars and your friends achieving impressive results with teeth whitening, but let's delve into the procedure itself.

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7 Tips on How to Keep Your Retainer Clean & Fresh

Congratulations on completing your braces journey and receiving your retainer! Now, let's focus on the next two crucial steps: wearing it and maintaining it. But you might be wondering, how can you keep your retainer clean? Don't worry, we've got some advice on how to keep your retainer clean.

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